While we wait for Akano, let's have a look at Yoshiron's debut work (dunno if it means his debut as a H-artist, or his debut on Comic Kairakuten). It's very short, it's cliché and there are this outrageous censorship everywhere (as expected of Comic Kairakuten), but vanilla can never go bad, can it now?
We left the title untranslated because it was confusing. Ontama consists of two kanji, one is "on" from "onsen" which means "warm", and "tama" which means "ball/sphere". Combine those two and you get...err... Well, let's just leave it like that :P
By the way, recently I was quite taken with some of TNC. a.k.a Lunch's works, like Toriko Voice and Shochu Kaika. Maybe we'll do them in the future.
Oh, that J-dorama, JIN season 2, was a great watch, too! (*b´▽)b
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