A story about two coworkers in search for love. Both are too shy to confess their feelings to their beloved...until that fateful night.
Yea, I know that I promised this chapter 2 weeks ago, but we hadn't had time to finish this until now and it was mostly my fault. We had difficulties choosing which chapter we're going to work on because all the stories (save the two short chapters) are connected. We hope you'll enjoy it!
MF | Read Online
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ! <3
That was very pleasant to read, thank you very much ^_^
Scanlating it was far from pleasant XD, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Simply lovely.
Thanks for the nice story :)
I tried to interest other people into considering getting more of it translated into English, who knows, maybe we'll be able to read more in the future :)
Yeah, good luck with that :)
To be honest, I don't dig the art, so it was such a pain to edit. If it wasn't for the story, then I wouldn't even consider it.
Also, recently, Akano's getting a lot busier with his job, so proofreading a wall of text is something he'd like to avoid.
Maybe if you could encourage someone to edit and proofread it, then I could provide the translation. But then again, I won't be fast due to all the projects we have now.
Well, next week I have a month vacation so i'd have some time :P
Really? I'll try to get out as much translations as I can, then.
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