The second chapter of Mononoke Acme, Kapa Kapa (or maybe Kapakapa? Not sure what does it mean, anyway). Many thanks to QRR for requesting it, Geromichi and no-name for providing and cleaning the raws respectively, and Akano for proofreading the translation.
It's...interesting to see E-Musu Aki's representation of the Youkai, with the Nekomata looking like a cosplayer who wears cat paws mittens, and the Kappa being a clumsy girl with a noodle bowl on her head. This is definitely tolerable for people who have furries allergy, though I'm not impressed with the cumming-on-pants part (I know that it adds a bit of comedy later on, but still...). Well, at any rate, we hope you'll enjoy it! :)
Chapter: 01 | 02 | 11 | Read Online
Working on something else right now, but not sure if I could finish it since my head feels heavy atm...