Monday, April 25, 2011

You can now request a project

As the title suggests, we're now open to project suggestions. Click on the "Request A Project" tab for further details.

Also, we're currently working on 2 projects:
College projects, midterms, and football have slowed things considerably, but we're quite sure that we could release the first part of Hakurai Inka within the next 3 days. As for HNB, it'll be sometime next week. Till that time, please bear with us :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Coelacanth - Hoshi ni Negai wo

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Having read his book, Funky Glamorous, I love Coelacanth for his simple & light-hearted stories. And this oneshot is no different. If you enjoy reading that kind of story, then I'd recommend this one.


MF | Read Online

Have to admit that it's the title that encouraged me to work on this oneshot. It's kind of funny to work on two different stories with the same title. Still, I wonder what the title has to do with the story...

PS: Grab the decensored version from H9Eleven's Blog

Sunday, April 17, 2011

News & Revisions

Doujin Moe have decided to scanlate the whole book of Inbi Temptation, so I think we won't work on it anymore, EXCEPT for a chapter titled Himitsu no Shiryoushitsu (The Secret Reference Room). Well, actually that's the only chapter left from the book that piqued my interest, so we're all happy. Thanks to FUKE for noticing me.

Aaaand, at last we decided to fix the very first releases which I had no proofreader to check my grammars at the time.

The revised version contains:
- a better title translation (hoshi ni negai wo)
- grammar fixes (both)

H9Eleven has decided to decensor Hoshi ni Negai wo, so you might want to wait for him to release the decensored version, BUT, we don't know whether he'll use our version or Doujin Moe's.

Otona Ja Nakutemo Iidesuka
Hoshi ni Negai wo

Wish you a great Sunday, everyone!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

inkey - Shunshoku Temptation

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I've got three happy news.
First, now we're a two-man group with Akano joining in as a proofreader. Yay for a better translation quality.

Second, here's another inkey's vanilla (sorry that I capitalized the "i" last time) titled Shunshoku Temptation. It's the 5th story in the book, if anyone curious.

The last one is in the comment below. Enjoy.

MF | Read Online

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

inkey - Hoshi ni Negai wo

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This time we have a lovey dovey story about teacher-student relationship from inkey. It's the third story from Obscene Temptation which contents ranging from vanilla to ntr, and artworks ranging from godly good ones to messy sketchy ones.

I hope you find it to your liking :)

MF (v2) | Read Online

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Leaf Party - LeLe Pappa vol. 18 Otona Ja Nakutemo Iidesuka

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This is a K-ON! doujin from C79. The artist nickname, Leaf Party, is another pen name for Nagare Ippon. Not much to see here, except some loli school girls getting gangbanged and mind broken. Typical of Nagare Ippon's works.

This was my first time translating a H-doujin, moreover, going solo.
Even though I've been around for some times in scanlation business, it seems my English hasn't improve much, so do forgive my grammatical mistakes.

MF (v2) | Read Online